A Small World Future: From Start-Ups to System Change | Indy Johar
In this video, Indy Johar perfectly expresses the massive small approach, arguing that the biggest revolution of the 21st century will not be our technology, but how we organise ourselves. He states that since the 17th century we have organised ourselves as discrete, independent individuals and corporations and design our systems, markets and institutions around it. He explains that this paradigm causes many of the wide systemic problems we see today, as it is not designed to account for the myriad interactions of complex systems. As such, he questions whether organising ourselves into employer/employee relationships in single corporate entities is necessarily the best way to tackle the complex ‘wicked problems’ we face today. He argues that we should organise ourselves around outcomes, and fund systems of change across multiple organisations, rather than inevitably funding single organisations trying to tackle global problems – looking beyond the idea of the ‘single hero’, and acknowledging that there is in effect an entire army of change agents.